RMIAN Statement on the Future of DACA


We believe that justice for immigrants means justice for all.

July 20 2020

RMIAN continues to support DACA-mented Coloradans. DACA recipients and DACA eligible young people are here to stay and RMIAN stands in solidarity with the community after Judge Hanen’s devastating ruling halting initial DACA applications.

 Long before and well beyond the inception of DACA in 2012, DACA eligible young people, DACA recipients and their families have been and will be part of Colorado’s fabric. By their side, for nearly the past decade, RMIAN assisted Coloradans in applying for DACA. We bore witness to our clients’ new possibilities and successes. When Trump attempted to end DACA, we modeled our clients’ endurance. We rejoiced with them when DACA was fully reinstated.  Since then, RMIAN has maintained our commitment to supporting Dreamers to file for DACA for the first time or renew their existing status.

 Judge Hanen’s decision is both morally reprehensible and wrong on the law. We have been, and we continue to be, adamantly opposed to any termination or reduction of the program.

 “DACA is an essential part of U.S. immigration law. It is based on long-standing principles of humane discretion in enforcement, and it is well within the President’s authority to make sure that immigration laws are administered even-handedly. And DACA recipients have, for nine years, made tremendous contributions to this country. It’s imperative that the Biden administration take all steps to preserve and strengthen DACA, and even more importantly, that Congress act to give DACA recipients a clear path to lawful permanent residence and citizenship," says RMIAN Board Member and UCLA Law Professor Hiroshi Motomura.

RMIAN is dedicated to providing accurate and timely legal information to those impacted. Judge Hanen’s ruling affects those who have not yet filed for DACA. While the Department of Homeland Security can no longer approve initial DACA applications, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”) is still accepting applications filed after Judge Hanen’s decision. These applications will be placed “on hold.” Depending on the particular facts of a person’s case, a DACA application “on hold” may be beneficial or risky.

Judge Hanen’s decision does not currently affect DACA recipients' ability to renew their DACA status. Current DACA recipients maintain DACA status, ability to work, and ability to renew if they continue to meet the requirements for DACA.

RMIAN has and continues to provide free consultations to those who think they may be eligible for DACA, individuals with DACA seeking renewals, as well as individuals interested in other immigration benefits or relief. If you have questions about DACA, or are interested in learning more about your immigration options, please call (303) 433-2812 to schedule your free consultation.

Dreamers and their families are a vital part of our community and deserve to live in peace with hope for the future. RMIAN implores the Biden Administration and Congress to ensure a pathway to citizenship for all Dreamers, providing the permanent solution our DACA-mented clients and community deserve. Anything less strips our immigration system of fairness and equity.

RMIAN reaffirms its commitment to making our immigration system more just and equitable for Dreamers and all immigrants in Colorado.


Overview of Immigration-Related Legislation from Colorado's Historic 2021 Session


Colorado Legal Defense Fund Signed!