Detention Program
RMIAN’s Detention Program provides life-changing legal and social services to immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers who are detained and facing deportation at the immigration detention center in Aurora, Colorado.
“RMIAN won me my freedom. Without my legal status, all my dreams and the future of my children would not have been possible.”
RMIAN has a daily presence at the immigration detention center and works to:
- Empower people to make informed decisions about their immigration legal cases
- Offer a “Know-Your-Rights” legal orientation presentation to newly detained persons, including potential survivors of human trafficking, through the Legal Orientation Program
- Provide individual intakes and group workshops for individuals not represented by attorneys
- Refer meritorious cases to volunteer attorneys who RMIAN recruits, trains, and mentors
- Provide direct legal representation for detained individuals unable to afford private counsel
- Serve as appointed counsel for detained individuals found incompetent by the Immigration Court through the National Qualified Representative Program
- Provide wrap-around, supportive social services to particularly vulnerable individuals in detention through RMIAN’s Social Service Project
- Provide pro se individualized assistance to individuals fighting their cases on their own
- Maintain a hotline for detained individuals and their family members to request assistance and information about immigration detention and removal proceedings
- Actively monitor conditions at the detention facility to ensure adherence to federal detention policies and respect for human rights