Pro Bono Mentoring Panel
RMIAN’s Pro Bono Mentoring Panel is a group of extremely talented immigration attorneys who provide mentorship and guidance to RMIAN’s volunteer attorneys. Each Panel member serves for a two-year term.
RMIAN is extremely grateful for the support and dedication provided by the Pro Bono Mentoring Panel members.
Pro Bono Mentoring Panel:
Jennifer Kain-Rios
KainRios Immigration, LLC
Kristin Knudson Knudson and Associates
Sarah Logan
Logan Firm, PC
Bridget McCann
Law Office of Bridget A. McCann, LLC
Karen McCarthy
Elevation Law
Ginger McGuire McGuire Law
Petula McShiras
Hanes & Bartels, LLC
Hans Meyer
The Meyer Law Office, PC
Kacie Mulhern
Rocky Mountain Children's Law Center
Nicole Murad
Murad & Murad, PC
Camila Palmer
Elkind Alterman Harston, PC
Rebekah Pfahler
Colorado Legal Services
Koby Polaski
Elkind Alterman Harston, PC
Alyssa Reed
Reed Immigration
Emily Rivard
Battan Alpert, LLP
David Simmons
The Immigration Law Office of David N. Simmons
Emily Smith
Attorney at Law
Jennifer Smith
Glenwood Immigration
Katie Speer Rosenthal
Access Immigration, LLC
Rick Wedgle
Attorney at Law
Abbie Weibel
Attorney at Law
Marlise Armstrong
Lisa Green & Associates, PC
Stephanie Aretz
Aretz & Chisholm Immigration, LLC
Kimberly Baker Medina
Immigration Law Office of Kimberly Baker Medina
Tim Brenner Sherman-Stoltz Law Group
Christina Brown
The Law Office of Christina Brown, LLC
Courtney Butler
Elkind Alterman Harston, PC
Jennifer Casey
Kolko & Casey, PC
Angela Cifor
Kolko & Casey, PC
Jamie Crawford
Bakken Law, PC
Sarah Faville
The Immigration Law Office of David N. Simmons
Christina Fiflis
Fiflis Law, LLC
Paige Gardner
Gardner Immigration Law, PC
Alex Gavern
Kolko & Casey, PC
Lisa Green
Lisa Green & Associates, PC
Seth Grob
Grob & Eirich, LLC
Aaron Hall
Joseph & Hall, PC
Jennaweh Hondrogiannis
MyRights Immigration Law Firm
Tiffany Hutchings
Hutchings Immigration Law, LLC
Stephanie Izaguirre
Izaguirre Law Firm
Jocelyn Jenks
Colorado Legal Services