Colorado Legal Defense Fund Signed!

On Friday, Governor Polis signed House Bill 21-1194 (Sen. D. Moreno, Rep. K Tipper, Rep. N. Ricks), a bill to create an immigrant legal defense fund to expand the availability of free legal services and representation to low-income individuals in immigration proceedings, with a priority on those in immigration detention and those experiencing deportation in rural areas of the state.

"We believe that every single person deserves an attorney by their side as they navigate complicated and high-stakes immigration court proceedings. With the signing of HB21-1194, Colorado shows itself as a leader in the movement for universal representation, as one of the first states in the nation to create a state-wide immigrant legal defense fund. Through the powerful leadership of our immigrant community members, advocates, and elected representatives, Colorado is one step closer to being able to say that every single person ensnared in immigration enforcement proceedings who cannot afford an attorney will have one provided for them and that justice truly is accessible to all," says Mekela Goehring, Executive Director, Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network (RMIAN).


RMIAN Statement on the Future of DACA


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