Pro Bono Attorneys

Please note we are receiving a higher than normal volume of volunteer interest forms. We are inspired by and appreciative of your interest in pro bono work, and we ask that you be patient and flexible with our small team as we ensure every person that reaches out receives a response.

RMIAN is always in need of volunteer attorneys to represent adults in immigration detention and immigrant children. RMIAN’s referrals include cases of U.S. citizens erroneously detained by immigration authorities; survivors of domestic violence who are eligible for special visas; refugees and asylum-seekers fleeing persecution; unaccompanied, abused, and abandoned non-citizen children; and long-time lawful permanent residents seeking waivers of their deportation. Your pro bono work helps reunite families, protect vulnerable children, and ensure due process. See here for an overview of the types of cases RMIAN usually refers.

RMIAN will provide volunteer attorneys with the following:

  • a preliminary case screening to find meritorious cases

  • a referral memorandum outlining the relevant law and facts of the case

  • mentoring through RMIAN’s Pro Bono Mentoring Panel or staff attorneys

  • professional liability insurance

  • resources (CLEs, templates, samples, etc.) to assist with your work

  • never-ending appreciation for your work!

If you are interested in accepting a case, please fill out the interest form below. If you have additional questions, please contact RMIAN’s pro bono coordinators at and As a volunteer attorney, you will have access to RMIAN’s resources on immigration law through the volunteer attorney portal. Click here to hear testimonies from past volunteer attorneys.