National Celebrate Pro Bono Week: Natalie Petrucci

Natalie Petrucci

Pro Bono Attorney

Why do you volunteer with RMIAN?

Immigrants and asylum seekers deserve competent and compassionate representation. I seek to provide that representation to my clients and provide some connection and humanity within a system that so often dehumanizes our clients as they navigate the complexities of the immigration court and affirmative immigration systems. I chose to volunteer with RMIAN, specifically, because RMIAN staff share my values and are immensely helpful to volunteers. I learned how to become an immigration attorney at RMIAN and now I enjoy giving back. I hope to continue to volunteer for years to come. Also, RMIAN clients are just exceptional people and it's a joy to be a small part of their immigration stories.

What is a memorable moment you've had while volunteering with RMIAN?

Representing clients during the COVID-19 pandemic has been a struggle, but also a lesson in resilience. One of my best memories has been representing an unaccompanied minor in state court and before USCIS and the Denver Immigration Court all virtually. Preparing my client for our state court hearing over Zoom was the first time we got to "meet" face to face. It is a good reminder that young people are truly putting their trust in you, a strange adult volunteer, and in this case, we had never even met in person. Celebrating with families after state court proceedings is a joy for me when I used to represent unaccompanied children and SIJS applicants in person. Now, we get to do the same, just on the phone. While it is a bit different, the feeling is just as rewarding.

Why does this work matter to you?

This work is valuable because it changes lives for the better. I think as an attorney, it has also changed me for the better. When the world seems so tough and there is so much negativity going on, reflecting on the positive changes we can make and how we can apply our unique skills to help others is a positive outlet and way to keep fighting for what I believe the U.S. stands for - inclusion, freedom, and dignity for all.

Is there anything else you would like to share?

Thank you to everyone at RMIAN for all that you do to support volunteers and clients alike!


National Celebrate Pro Bono Week


National Celebrate Pro Bono Week: Kathryn Banuelos