National Celebrate Pro Bono Week: Kathryn Banuelos

Kathryn Banuelos

RMIAN Legal Intern

Why do you volunteer with RMIAN?

I volunteer with RMIAN because of the diverse work that they do to improve the lives of community members who need access to legal services. I enjoy working with a diverse group of people and learning every day about the ways that we can fight for immigrant rights in our community.

What is a memorable moment you've had while volunteering with RMIAN?

I think that going through training and meeting different members of the RMIAN team is a memorable moment for me. I enjoyed meeting many people who are so passionate about the work that they do, and have so much knowledge in immigration law.

Why does this work matter to you?

This work is valuable because being able to provide legal services to people who may not have been able to access them can be extremely empowering to families and individuals. I love to see when someone receives legal services from RMIAN and then continues to be connected with other community resources that are available. I have seen family members who are unsure about how to navigate the US legal system, and being able to open up access to forms of legal relief is incredible.


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