RMIAN is Honored to Receive the Professional Resource of the Year (IVLP) Award from WorldDenver

RMIAN was honored to receive the Professional Resource of the Year (IVLP) Award from WorldDenver for the impact our work makes on our community.

WorldDenver is a nonprofit community organization that promotes a greater understanding of world affairs and cultures throughout the Denver Metro area, creating and implementing unique programs that connect Coloradans with experts, leaders, and ideas from across the globe. In honor of WorldDenver’s 10 year anniversary, it honored 10 community partners this year who have made a significant impact on WorldDenver and its ability to build global understanding and cross-cultural ties.

"The highly qualified and impressive participants from around the world posed challenging questions that fostered deep thinking about how to address injustices of human trafficking and prison/detention conditions locally and globally."

- Caleb Stewart, Senior Staff Attorney, Anti-Human Trafficking Project


Deputy Managing Attorney of RMIAN's Children's Program Speaks Out Against the Treatment of Asylum Seekers in the Denverite


Today is Colorado Gives Day! Will you join RMIAN in fighting for justice?