Upcoming Trainings Offered by RMIAN's Children's Program
On April 11 from 12:30-2:30pm, Ashley Harrington and Emily Brock will present a CLE to the Colorado Chapter of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) on best practices and current issues with representing unaccompanied children. Please contact AHarrington@rmian.org if you are interested in attending.
On April 11 at 5pm Ashley Harrington is presenting a CLE to the Colorado Bar Association Immigration and Juvenile Law Sections on working with immigrant juveniles. Please contact AHarrington@rmian.org if you are interested in attending.
On April 24 Ashley Harrington is co-presenting a CLE on Special Immigrant Juvenile Status and other options for immigrant youth with Katie Glynn and Tim Eirich from Grob & Eirich, LLC, at the Convening Conference on Children, Youth and Families in Keystone, Colorado.
On April 27 Ashley Harrington is co-presenting a CLE on immigration issues impacting youth in delinquency proceedings to juvenile defenders and guardians ad litem at the Excellence in Juvenile Defense Conference in Denver.