Happy National Volunteer Week!

This week is National Volunteer Week

RMIAN's work largely depends on the work of our volunteers. We want to take this opportunity to give thanks to our incredible volunteer attorneys, translators & interpreters and health professionals.

We are grateful for their time, energy, compassion and skills. Accessing justice is one with being treated with respect and dignity and is only possible when there are opportunities for equitable language, health, and legal services.

The heart, dedication, and most certainly knowledge and skills of our volunteers make RMIAN's work ensuring access to due process possible. Every day, volunteer efforts help people confront complex and violent deportation proceedings, sometimes while detained.

From all of us here at RMIAN, THANK YOU!

Are you or someone you know interested in volunteering and helping Colorado immigrants access justice? Check out our volunteer opportunities below!

We need pro bono attorneys!

Are you interested in immigration issues? What to gain experience helping children, families, and detained adults fighting deportation? RMIAN needs volunteer attorneys for pro bono cases. With the robust training and mentorship RMIAN offers to our volunteer attorneys, you will have the opportunity to provide immigrants with the quality legal representation they deserve and desperately need.

We need volunteer translators & interpreters!

RMIAN's work largely depends on assistance from our language volunteers. Quality legal representation is only possible when an attorney and client can communicate effectively, regardless of their language. If you speak English and another language and would like to help immigrant clients access justice, sign up now! Email lklafehn@rmian.org for more info.

We need volunteer psychologists & psychiatrists!

Psychological forensic evaluations help clients access the support services and systems they need and help to bolster legal defenses against deportation.


HB22-1319 Passed by the House of Representatives!


RMIAN Announced as a Recipient of the Colorado Afghan Evacuee Fund