Title 42 Must End | A comment on the tragic loss of life in San Antonio, Texas

Our hearts are heavy in light of the tragic deaths of 50 people on June 27, 2022 near San Antonio, Texas. The cause of death was heat exhaustion and dehydration after the group was abandoned and trapped inside a blistering tracker trailer without water or ventilation. RMIAN wishes a swift recovery to the 16 survivors of this event and sends our deepest condolences to the loved ones of those who were lost. 

This incident highlights the ways in which the U.S. immigration system dehumanizes migrants, treating them like commodities rather than as valuable individuals. When damaging immigration policies like Title 42 restrict once-lawful channels of humanitarian immigration relief, persons fleeing for their lives are forced into dangerous situations, where they are preyed upon and exploited at the border. Title 42 is an abusive policy that unfairly targets asylum seekers, Black and Brown migrants, and many others seeking refuge and safety.

Lawmakers must implement immigration reform focused on creating a fair and humane asylum process that is equally accessible to all, regardless of their country of origin, the language they speak, or the color of their skin.

How can you help? Contact Senators Bennet and Hickenlooper and tell them to vote against any extension of Title 42 to prevent further harm from occurring. You can also reach out to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, DHSSecretary@hq.dhs.gov, seeking legal protections for the survivors of this tragedy. 


June is Pride Month


June 15th is the 10th Anniversay of DACA