RMIAN Statement Regarding Recent Gun Violence in New York, California, and Texas

Everyone deserves safety. No one should ever fear for their lives when going to the store, to school, to a place of worship, to a movie theater, to a concert, to a restaurant, to a workplace, when using public transportation, etc.

Our hearts are broken and go out to all those affected by gun violence, most recently in Texas, New York, and California. 

Fundamental changes—including the dismantling of white supremacy—need to happen to prevent further horrific trauma and loss of life. The inaction and lack of substantive changes surrounding gun violence in our country highlight the systemic racism, classism, sexism, nativism, trans and homophobia, xenophobia, and oppression that permeate our society.

The shooting in Buffalo, New York, was a deliberate attack on Black lives. The shooting in Laguna Woods, California, targeted Taiwanese churchgoers. The shooting in Uvalde, Texas, impacted a primarily Latinx community.

Each of these and every other recent mass shooting is a direct result of white supremacy culture prioritizing the economic gain of few over the safety and well-being of many.

These horrific acts of violence are evidence of our country’s unwillingness to concretely address deeper issues and create meaningful pathways toward restorative justice, social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion.

At RMIAN, we stand in solidarity with those who have experienced loss and violence and are seeking protection of all kinds. 

There cannot be peace without action. We call upon Congress to act before they recess this Memorial Day. We call upon the Senate to enact the Enhanced Background Checks Act. We call upon our community to take a stand against racism and gun violence.

Enough is enough.


May is Mental Health Awareness Month


May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month