Registration Open for RMIAN Annual CBA CLE: Oct. 15, 2020

Overview: Registration is open for RMIAN’s annual all-day CLE with the Colorado Bar Association. The training will be held Oct. 15, 2020, from 9:00 a.m. - 4:10 p.m. and will be virtual. The program has been submitted for 7 general CLE credits, and costs just $75 for those who commit to taking a case pro bono through RMIAN. Registration is here.

Program Description: COVID-19 has created unprecedented challenges for immigrant communities and individuals in immigration proceedings. The need for legal representation is now greater than ever.

In the morning, the program will focus on zealous immigration advocacy, asylum, and practice before immigration courts and agencies in the time of COVID-19. Then participants can choose from two tracks that will dive into immigration enforcement and detention and bond practices, plus the intersection of immigration law and criminal law; or protections for immigrant crime victims and special immigrant juvenile status. The day will conclude with a mock immigration court hearing.

  • Defend and advance the rights of non-citizens

  • Serve the community by taking a pro-bono case

  • Choose from a variety of helpful sessions


César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández Denver Post Guest Commentary


Event, 9/16, 6pm, Facebook - Know Your Rights: CO Immigration Court & COVID-19