Virtual Immigrant Liberty Awards - Honoring Representative Jason Crow

Congressman Jason Crow (CO 6th District) accepts the 2020 Immigrant Liberty Award at the 15th Annual Immigrant Liberty Awards event, benefiting RMIAN

Congressman Jason Crow (CO 6th District) has worked tirelessly with human rights advocates and local government officials to champion the rights of immigrants and refugees by bringing critical national attention to U.S. immigration detention conditions and by increasing oversight of the privately operated facility in Aurora through the creation of the first of its kind ICE Accountability Report in July 2019. This oversight report, written after weekly on-site visits by Rep. Crow and staff, provides transparency and accountability to the detention system by monitoring the well-being of detained immigrants and refugees and the public health risks to the community. Rep. Crow has introduced the Public Oversight of Detention Center (POD) Act to ensure that Congress has oversight access to all detention facilities. He also helped introduce the Refugee Protection Act to support refugees, including setting a 95,000 minimum admission level, updating the asylum process, improving Special Immigrant Visa programs, and supporting immigrant children.

Celebrating Client Success

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Jeremmy, a 33 year-old from Nicaragua, wrote this about his asylum case: 

"I left my country due to socio political conflicts and for being in active opposition to the regime of the ruling government. Upon arriving at the border of the United States, I was interviewed by an immigration official and sent to be detained in the GEO Aurora Ice detention center. I was detained there for almost eight months, during which time I was fighting my asylum case. The help from the people at RMIAN was vital to winning my case. They helped me gather evidence for my case. They helped with translating documents and letters. They provided me with legal support and the skills necessary to represent myself before the immigration judge. Their help was crucial in winning my freedom and my asylum case so that I may stay in this great country. I congratulate and appreciate the entire team at RMIAN for their humanitarian efforts, which they do with great love and passion, so that we who come here may find respite and protection in this country."

A donation of $6,000 helps RMIAN to provide free legal services to other asylum seekers like Jeremmy. Please make your contribution today to help RMIAN reach its goal of raising $50,000 through the Immigrant Liberty Awards Event.

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